What are we talking about?

A lecture by MODUS can be held both for the management of a company that wants change, a trade association that wants to give the city inspiration and a breath of fresh air, or a chain that wants to see changes in their stores. Or something else.
We can tailor a lecture to your needs, where we talk about the industry, trends and trends, strategic design and concrete merchandise principles.
We always use case examples in our lectures, which give an idea of how large and small brands have previously succeeded with strategic design.
Retail space or workspace
The focus will be tailored to you and your needs. The strategic tools we work with can be used both in the retail industry, but to a large extent also in office furnishings. That is why we hold both lectures that focus on retail or on workspace, depending on your company's needs and wishes.
Read much more here: https://www.modus.dk/foredrag-workshop